CUNIMAILCunimail (College and UNIversity MAIL)is an email discussion group created in 1994 by Lou Eichler at the University of Iowa. This service is open to employees of colleges and universities who are involved in their institution's mail processing. Cunimail is NOT available to vendors, the Postal Service, or outsourcing companies. To request access to Cunimail, please complete the new user sign-up here: Request Cunimail AccessUsing CunimailMessages to the entire list should be addressed to: Use discretion when sending messages to the entire list. Some comments may be helpful to many, others should be sent only to a specific individual. When responding to messages, please respond to the sender unless you want your reply to go to the entire list, in which case send your reply to the address above. Etiquette Typing in all caps is YELLING! When sending a personal response to a message, don't send it to the entire list; reply to the sender only. Sending off-topic messages is okay but please identify them as such in the subject (e.g., NOT MAIL RELATED). Last but not least, be sure that what you send is what you want everyone to read. Once you press the send button, the message is gone and can't be recalled. Double-check your message before you send it. Copyright Please get permission to send copyrighted material (i.e., material that is not covered by "fair use.") NACUMS complies with all applicable copyright laws. Managing Cunimail Subscribers can manage their subscriptions by logging in to their profiles. Click the button below for instructions on managing your Cunimail subscription. Managing Cunimail Subscription (PDF) |