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MDP Certification (Saturday and Sunday)


Conference attendees will have the opportunity to study as a group to earn the USPS sponsored Mailpiece Design Professional (MDP) certification.  NACUMS  will provide a review session on Saturday afternoon on July 14 from 1-5 pm.  Group testing will be held on Sunday morning from 8 - noon for attendees who are pre-registered to take the MDP exam.

As outlined under the National Center for Employee Development (NCED),  “The Mail Design Professional (MDP) course provides in-depth training on postal standards related to designing letter and flat mail to facilitate processing on high speed automation equipment while maximizing cost effectiveness and reducing processing delays.” The NCED offers a complete on-line course covering the following MDP topics under

If attendees just want to sit for the review, the cost is included in the conference registration. If attendees want to take the exam at the NACUMS conference or receive the exam to take within 60 days of conference, a $110 exam fee is required and can be paid in addition to the Conference registration. 

***Note: The study sessions will only be given if there is enough interest. Please fill out the interest form immediately.

 CMDSM/CMDSS Interest Form (click here)


 CMDSM/CMDSS Study Groups Now Forming

10-week Program

MSMA has established the Certified Mail and Distribution Systems Manager (CMDSM) and Certified Mail and Distribution Systems Supplier (CMDSS) programs to recognize distinguished professionals in the mailing industry.

This accreditation process provides for an individual to be evaluated, tested and certified on the body of technical knowledge, sales skills and/or management skills necessary for performance in the profession. The exam consists of 135 multiple-choice questions and five essay questions. It is a timed, four-hour exam and one must achieve a score of 75% or more to pass.

How Will You Benefit:
For those MSMA Members who have wanted to take the CMDSM or CMDSS exam but were unsure of where to find study material or intimidated for fear of failing, the MSMA National Board Education Committee is pleased to announce a series of CMDSM and CMDSS Webinar Study Sessions to prepare you to take the exam at NACUMS 2018.

What Will Be Covered:
This 10-week program will guide participants through the learning process and provide in depth knowledge on every technical area contained within the exam. The goal of this study group is to prepare candidates to take one of the certification exams at NACUMS 2018.

Participants are required to attend at least 7 of the 10 sessions.
Study Dates to Follow.
We will Need at least 5 signed up to be able to offer this exam.

Method of delivery:
Weekly ninety minute webinars in conjunction with the CMDSM/CMDSS Study Guide.

To Qualify/Register:
Visit the website at
To qualify, an individual must: Currently be employed in the mailing field for five or more years with at least three of those years in management or as a sales executive. Attain 150 professional expertise points in the following areas:
Professional experience, MSMA experience, Non-MSMA experience, Education

The CMDSM/CMDSS Study Sessions will be facilitated by:
Mark Hale, CMDSM/CMDSS, VP-Education
Betsy Shortell, CMDSM, Director of Certification Services.

Questions Contact:
Paula Adkins at
Don.McCarty at